I don't remember when or where I discovered sweet lolita, but I'm pretty sure it was in my mid teens on DeviantART and YouTube. I always thought I would never be able to afford the fashion because it's so infamous for being expensive. But as I became an adult I realized that actually, lolita isn't that expensive at all. In early 2020 I ordered my first dress, but due to reasons it didn't arrive until mid 2020.
Since then lolita fashion has become a huge part of my life. I've made many friends due to my participation in the fashion, had many experiences I could never have had otherwise and created a lot of unique art! Including two collaborative lolita fashion zines I ran all by myself! I hope to create even more lolita fashion artwork and content in the future.
I was drawn to sweet lolita by the kawaii aesthetics, of course. I've been a lover of kawaii aesthetics, fashion and lifestyle for a very long time. Vintage girl's toys, girly themes, magical girls, vintage fashion and tea parties were all passions of mine. So it just made sense to eventually start wearing lolita. As you can probably guess, my favourite brand is Angelic Pretty, but I also adore Baby the Stars Shine Bright and making my own lolita pieces. My favourite era of sweet is 2012-2016.
Other lolita websites

Mermaid Grey
Trouble In The Message Center
Cynical Neo Princessism
Magical Girl Me