This is a list of things I want that aren’t lolita or figure related. For those two wish lists you can go here for lolita and here for figures. While these are things I hope to one day buy for myself, they’re also a great idea for anyone who is stuck on what to buy me for a present of some kind.

I love decoden cases, but I’m hesitant to ever get another deco phone case due to phones being a device which is updated every few years. My 3DS however will never be updated as there’s never going to be any other entry into the Nintendo DS console family. Either a rhinestone or a whip case would be awesome.

Rose is one of my favourite scents (alongside vanilla and the colour pink). This perfume is such a lovely sweet and girly rose. The bottle is also very iconic. Of course, there are a lot of other perfumes I’d love to get my paws on. But this is the most expensive one haha.

Every nerd loves a good artbook. I love sitting on the floor of my room and pouring over my beloved artbook collection. It’s a very good feeling to own artwork in this way.

As you probably already know, I have a light obsession with the visual novel Slow Damage. I really want to make an ita bag dedicated to Towa. I’m hoping to pick up some Towa goodies next year when I go to Japan.

While the 3DS game library is very easy for me to access, the games of the original DS and DS Lite are less easy to come by! Any cute girly game would be such a fun find. I love those crappy shovelware girl games that are just a whole lot of mid tier mini games. Especially games from cartoons such as Strawberry Shortcake or My Little Pony.

Extra bonus points if it’s a VHS + DVD TV!! I always wanted one as a kid. I remember seeing one in a store when I was like 7 or 8 and it blew my mind. If I do ever get one, I’ll likely paint and customize it. Maybe I’ll even cover it with rhinestones… Who knows!

You may not know that I collect VHS tapes! Specifically girly cartoons and the odd anime that interests me. My Little Pony, Barbie Movies, Bratz, that sort of thing. As well as any weird or interesting anime. If you ever manage to find a hentai on tape, please god send it to me lmao.

I’m always looking for cute stationary as I’m always using it! Stickers, envelopes, washi tape, note paper. I love it all.

I regret not ordering this one when I did a big ol Mewkledreamy order last year. I love the soft eyes this one has and talking plushies are a lot of fun.

These are the most fairy kei fancy toys I can possibly think of. I want one of these soooo bad but I’ve never seen one for sale in New Zealand before T0T maybe one day!!!

Specifically the bunnies, but any of them would make me lose my mind. While I’m not particularly into Pj Sparkles herself (I try to avoid getting into collecting toddler dolls) I love the pets. They’re so fancy and pop it’s ridiculous.

I’m a big fan of both the carousel and the ballerina versions. I fell in love with this piece when I saw a girl thrift one on YouTube in like 2018.

Pullip dolls are so darn cute. Especially the lolita ones. I dream of having an Angelic Pretty one. One of the Sanrio ones would also be amazing.

I looove oldschool loop phone charms!! Anything cute and tiny that I could attach to my phone or 3DS. I especially like old Sanrio ones.

Pink, pastel and kawaii teasets are always a treat. I can never have enough. As well as cute snack bowls and glass cups. I'm also happy to get my hands on sweet teas to drink out of my tea sets!

This doesn't mean any old photo frame, but frames that are decorations by themselves. Like the highly decorated ones made for kids. I also adore decoden frames!