Pagan Lovesong - This Ryokira fic is so fucking good. Good ending. Good characterizations. Good romance. I adore this fic so much I want to print it out and bind it into my own little book.
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Devilman & Go Nagai images
The cover art for a vintage Devilman OVA doujin. I have no idea of the contents but I stole it from here. Some interesting shirtless ryokira pics from ??? some magazine idk
A cancelled doll that I would give everything to have JUST LOOK AT HIM AAAAAAAAAAA
Exerpts from an unknown publication's interview with Go Nagai. Found it on twitter years ago. If anyone has the sauce for this iconic interview it would be much appreciated. Dump it in my cbox or email me or smth.
Nagai from an unknown magazine. He looks like exactly the man you would expect. Thank got I added this to the site before I made a Cutie Honey shrine.