Merry Yaoimas 

Hello again! It's Christmas eve here!

And I'm having a nice, lazy day. It's sooo hot!!!

This week was nice and relaxing. I had a couple of medical appointments, but now I'm clear of all that stuff until
February! I think the coolest and most exciting thing that happened this week was my
Buyee order finally arrived.
I say finally but honestly it was pretty fast. I got the
Cotton Candy Shop salopette by Angelic Pretty in pink.

It's so cute. Oh my god. I think I'm really into salopettes now. I also got the most adorable
Hexenhaus necklace. I wore the shown outfit to my therapy session which I think went well. The dress also came with
the matching socks. I keep staring at the dress in my wardrobe. I can't wait to wear it again. As an early
Christmas present to myself I also got myself the
cutest ever pair of
Sketchers sneakers.

I saw them in the mall a week or so ago and couldn't get them out of my mind. It's good I waited a week to get them too as
they were on sale when I finally picked them up!

The other good thing I got up to this week was I finally started working on the
baby dress 
for my friend. The
Cinnamoroll cross stitch took ages and I ended up getting bruises on my fingers because I was working too hard oops. I got up to the point shown on the image but then I've had to stop
as I need to buy some pretty blue ribbon to go on the sailor collar. But I got too busy while I was in town yesterday. Oh yeah right town yesterday! I had a lunch date with my friend
Evelyn (the food was terrible and overpriced) and then we wandered around town and a couple of malls while I handed out candy and wore lolita!
Though I forgot to get a picture of the coord. Maybe I will wear it to my grandparent's for
Christmas tomorrow. For Christmas I'll be visiting my grandparents for lunch and then having hotpot with my parents for dinner. After than I'll probably get into bed with a blvn and drink some
sparkling grape juice. Which is my favourite juice, by the way.
In terms of weeb stuff, I finished
Dramatical Murder.

Wow. What an experience. While
Clear is my favourite as a character,
Noiz and
Ren's routes were the best.
Mink's was... Weirdly racist?

It was right? I'm not just imagining things it was weirdly racist wasn't it???
How come the only native man in the game was portrayed as some kind of weird rapist?

Why was it like that? I kind of get what they were trying to do with his story, and like his character itself is fine. But the story was executed in such a....
weirdly racist way!!!

I did not like it. Made me very uncomfortable. She aged like milk.
Some of those bad endings kinda hot tho I won't lie. Like Virus and Trip phew god damn. 
But yeah I had fun. I did note it was very weird that I've consumed two pieces of Japanese media that feature the theme of
"weird gay mind selfcest as a metaphor for learning to love yourself" back to back.
Uta~Kata does the same thing.
It's just y'kno a lot less explicit. I enjoyed playing a blvn, I'd like to take a look at more of Nitro+Chiral's catalogue. I also now
really want an Aoba figure bc they're all pretty as fuck.
In the new year I'm wanting to watch more
anime from the 70s and
shojo anime. I'm so bad at watching stuff. All I've watched recently is
Mewkledreamy. In my next blog I'll likely be thinking about new years plans and resolutions. 2022 has come and gone so fast. I say
good riddence! This was a year
had to get through to get to better times. That's it. Bring it on 2023 you're gonna be my year. I didn't know where to add this to the blog but I pulled great on
Nu:Carnival this event so far.

Two olis and a Dante. Just need me a Quincy. Later today when it cools down I need to bake a cake for tomorrow.
So many of our strawberries have rotted due to the rain. It's a reminder that New Zealand really is a tropical country haha. Ah well, I'm looking forward to Christmas. I hope you all have a wonderful day too, whatever you may celebrate!
Until next time!