As I think 

Good morning! It's been a while, hasn't it? The biggest reason I've been absent from blogging is because
I finally started my new job! 
I'm working at a
lingerie store and it's actually really fun. My coworkers are nice and like, even though it's retail, it's
nice retail, y'know? I've been especially
enjoying having more money to spend. I had intended on saving but I've ended up making a few big purchases haha. Most of note is I finally got my hands on the
Towa nendoroid and
I purchased a
Devilman Satan garage kit! It's a done kit, and it's in rough shape, but it was cheap and I've always admired this kit so I'm gonna have a go at fixing it.
I've also been going op shopping a lot which is fun, I actually found some old June BL in an op shop which was craaazy. Oh! and my Lolita Secret Santa present finally arrived!! It
was so amazing, I cried a lil haha. The coolest parts of it were the Milk Chan bag and the custom illustration of me as a shoujo manga princess!!

I've been hanging out with my friends a lot recently. Last week we went to see
the new Godzilla movie and it was really good!! I don't know much about Godzilla, but I enjoyed it.
It was bittersweet haha. Last night my friends and I went out for a Christmas dinner at a
Canadian resturant and I got to try poutine for the first time. Super yummy. I will
for sure be going back there. Afterwards, we went to a rose garden to, well, enjoy the roses! While the summer heat can be annoying, I've very much been enjoying living in town to
see all of the amazing flowers in bloom. I love roses so much, they're my favourite flower, but they're closely followed by hydrangeas which are also in bloom right now! I love
looking at people's gardens as I walk to and from work haha.

Something exciting I finally did recently was finish my scrapbook! I re covered and bound it and everything. I want to make a YouTube video of it when I have the time (and when my
nails don't look so tragic haha). I also want to film a room tour after Christmas. Maybe I will do a wardrobe tour this year as well? I've got lots of plans for things I wanna do
for my website in the new year! This year has been a very transitional one for me. I just recently passed the 1 year anniversary of my hospitalization. I've improved so much since
then! Last year my New Year's goal was to get better. Now that I'm better, what do I do now? Hopefully I'll have an answer by my New Year's blog.

For Christmas I'll be visiting my parents house. We're going to have hotpot for Christmas dinner and pavalova! Following that, for New Year's Eve I'm planning to make kimchi with my
housemate and then perhaps have hotpot with my friends haha. I also want to make a strawberry cake. I'm excited for the new year, I feel good. I look forward to my future right now.
I want to do more fun weeb stuff and play with my friends. I know a lot of things around the world are bad right now, and things probably won't be good for me for long, but I want
to enjoy things while they last. I have to go get ready for work now. I love you!
Until next time!