Love from the other side


Salutations! This week was a mixed bag of very exciting and not exciting at all. My final week at home draws near. Eight days to go baby!! Last Friday mum and I took a whole heap of my
stuff over to my new place and did some serious cleaning and unpacking. It was
spider genocide. I'm gonna have my own bathroom as well as a bedroom! Not all of my stuff is in yet
obviously as I haven't actually moved yet, but here's how it's lookin. Pretty nice right?? I'm so excited. The stuff has been put kinda randomly on the shelves. Hopefully it'll all
settle nicely when my PC desk gets in. I'm a little worried the desk might make it hard to open my wardrone tho. Oh well!! I'll figure it out I'm sure. Ahh It's so scary and exciting.
Am I really capible enough to look after myself?? My friends say I'm mature and capible but just lacking perspective. Who knows.

The other very exciting thing that happened this week was I went on a wonderful day trip on the train to
Wellington! We had a really nice breakfast at the cafe at the top of the
cablecars, then went wandering about the city! I love Wellington. I've always wanted to live there. I really wish I was moving there instead of where I am moving to haha. One day. I'm
just in love with the culture of the city, the architecture, the art scene, the people, just all of it. It's my goal to live there one day and just enjoy the art of the city.
I always feel so inspired and rejuvinated after visiting, I don't think I could ever get sick of the place.

Following our shopping adventure we picked up
the first proof of my zine. No pics bc spoilers. Also bc it needs work.

But that's ok. After that we
went to some museums and then had maccas for dinner before going home. I was exhausted. I also surprisingly didn't end up buying that much. I did however discover that
Pulsar Max now has a BL section alongside their regular adult section. Didn't get to look for long tho, but finding a copy of
Sugar Sugar Rune was pretty sweet.
Today, since this excursion was yesterday, I spent the entire day in bed doing nothing bc I am broken after such a long day in town.

In terms of media, I've taken a brief break from watching
Patalliro to watch the short magical girl anime
Nanatsu-iro Drops. It's cute and fluffy. I also finished playing
Togainu no Chi. Shiki's route was hot but hit endings were kinda eh, except for the
slut Akira ending I guess lol. I liked the bitter-sweetness of the good ending but
idk it left me wanting more. And the other bad ending. Uh. Yeah ok we're just not gonns talk about that. And Nano's route was cool. I think Nano is cute, but I wish he'd had more
screentime. Maybe a couple of bad endings as well. In the end
Keisuke ended up being my favourite. Once I'm settled into my new place I plan to start playing
I've also been reading
Berserk again.
Schierke is my favourite character overall, but I don't rlly dislike any character. I kinda love everyone lol. Yes even
Griffith. I've also been becoming very attached to Farnese. Her character development is just so beautiful. I wanna read the series slower so I can enjoy it for longer lol.
Oh and of course the new chapter of
Nu:Carnival came out. Lotta new into this time holy fuck!! I sense we're getting close to some angst mwahahaha. I'm so excited for the next
chapter. Ok well that about does it. The next time I blog it'll either be right before I move or right after I've moved!! Exciting!
Until next time!