Slow days

Mood: Groggy
Reading: Nothing
Watching: Welcome to Demon School, Irume Kun!
Listening to: Good Luck Babe! - Chappell Rone
Eating: Breakfis
Drinking: Water

Hello again! I said the next time I blogged I would be 24 and boy am I! Remember when this blog used to be weekly? I don't. I wanna try to at least blog monthly. Anyway my birthday was lovely. The night before my birthday I went over to a friend's house and we got fish and chips and sat in front of the fireplace and watched Newgrounds cartoons. We bought lots of junkfood to have a proper teenage sleepover and then we were barely able to eat any of it before feeling sick and I went home around 10pm as I was getting sleepy. I don't miss being a teenager but GOD I miss having a body that could eat as much as I wanted and play all night. The day of my birthday I spent sewing and working on my cross stitch, and then in the evening my parents took me out for dinner. My birthday present was the most adorable pair of pink converses and an oreo cheesecake.

A couple weeks ago I went to a very fun afternoon tea lolita meet at one of our comm mod's houses! The meet was for everyone to meet her new greyhound Big Time Jimmy. Big Time Jimmy is a retired racing greyhound and now he lives a life of luxury in the house of a fun nerd couple. He is enormous and sleepy and loves food. The meet was lovely and perfectly timed as I was really starting to miss my lolita friends. I can't wait to move to Wellington so I can see them more often.

Speaking of my lolita friends, it's now crunch time for me as submissions for Milk & Honey: Volume 3 have closed and now I need to force myself to edit that behemoth in 1 month. I need to get it off to the printers by early September so that it will be ready to go and in my possession by October. I've got a lot to do, but when it's something you're passionate about it never feels like real work.

Last weekend I went to my local pop culture convention! I was helping my friend shit-imma-artist with her booth! She's so sweet, she even let me sell my zine and a couple of art prints at her stall! I have,, a lot of self confidence issues about the things I make. But my friends are all incredibly supportive. They all see real value in my work and want to see it succeed. I want to make them proud someday, but it's hard.

Anyway, I wore lolita to the con, I tried to do a full OTT princess style coord and I think I pulled it off quite well. I got to meet some really fun cosplayers and got lots of photos. I need to get onto printing them out for my photo album. I also got some really fun goodies at con. I had a strict cash budget this year and stuck to it! I think my favourite hing I picked up was the Chibi Chibi phone charm by Mousse Mouse. I've been mutuals with her on Twitter and Insta for sooo long now and I finally got to meet her this weekend! I wish I'd chatted to her a bit more but I was nervous. I was a little sad this year at the total lack of BL goods. Apparently the convention is cracking down on BL goods as well as ecchi content to make the con more family friendly. Boo!!!! At least I did manage to find a couple of Heaven Official's Blessing pens.

This most recent week I had dinner with friends a couple times, once for soup and once for pizza. It's been nice to eat with my friends as work has been. Well. Hell. My own personal Hell. What did I do in my past life to deserve this (I'm being dramatic it's not that bad). I've been really enjoying working on my cross stitch this week. I'm in the mood for country style fiber folk art. I wanna make embroidered pillows and applique quilts. It makes me feel simple and small. Like making small, pretty things to enjoy in my life is one of the many purposes I was made for.

In terms of media, I've been playing Disgaea and watching Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun! and Natsume's Book of Friends. I've also been reading a lot of old craft books and magazines due to my sudden desire for pretty hand made trinkets. I picked up a magazine recently that has a pattern for the most gorgeous candlewicked teddybear. I'm also going to be seeing Deadpool and Wolverine on Sunday night!! Oh and of course, I'm still obsessed with Colors TCG. It's so fun!! I love getting my little gifs ehehehe. I'm not even going to mention how Nu:C has been kicking my ass recently. I'm so mad about it.

Tonight after work I'm going to pop into the Asian supermarket. Apparently they have a lot of cute new snacks in right now. I think some strawberry chocorooms and milkis would be the perfect cap to my week.

That's all for now!
Until next time!

회화나무와 귀신
신과 괴물

— 갸탄 (@GATAN666) August 15, 2024

Fic I've read recently:
Lay Your Wager (Down to Sleep) - Xie Lian gets a nail in his head Ghost General style, alt first meeting.
Heart of Orchids - Hua Cheng may or may not be a dragon and hualian have a lot of very angsty sex.
Till our Compass stands still - Xie Lian gambles himself away in the Gamblers Den and ends up working there, alt first meeting.