Birthday, Matariki and Yaoifulness

Reading: Lamento: Beyond the Void
Listening to:Pink Panther - Scene Queen

Happy (late) Matariki!!! Yesterday was of course the beginning of the Maori New Year, which also marks the midway point of winter. We did it! We made it through the hardest part! It also marked my 23rd birthday! Wow! I'm old lol! I don't feel such a proper and adult age, but I must be it because that's what my birthday card said and I suppose I do live out of home and independantly now. I've really been enjoying being able to walk into town whenever I like. I want to spend more time wandering around town. It's nice to just experience that fresh air and stretch my legs in a new place you know? This week was very chill. I spent a lot of this week working on a website with Koinuko and Reon. We're creating a BL themed fanlisting collective called I created the layout for the index! With Reon's help with coding of course. I'm terrible with code. I plan to make a weblisting for Towa and Ryo bc I love them so much. I've been feeling really back into BL recently.

Speaking of BL, I ordered a mystery yaoi box on Trademe last week and it arrived on Tuesday. I got all of these June yaoi volumes from around 2005-2007. This was such a fun find. A lot of one shots here, I've only read one so far. I was thinking I might make a silly little zine reviewing them. Something I really wants to get me hands on is a printer so that I can print out little zines and other fun things for crafts and scrapbooking. Printing off paper dolls would be fun. I've been thinking a lazer printer would be best for me. Because for high quality art prints I'll continue to get them done professionally so I don't need an inkjet. Maybe I should have a look around at printers when I walk into town on Monday.

The other things I've been doing this week have been drawing for art fight, painting a picture frame and playing Lamento: Beyond the Void. I'm still on my first play through right now. I'm doing Bardo's route. But my favourite is Asato so I'm savig him for last. Oh yeah and I got my hands on Fruits Parlor by Angelic Pretty in the pink colourway skirt! I need to do a little bit of altering though for it to fit better, the elastic is too tight. I can't wait to wear it. I'm hoping I'll have more chances to wear lolita now that I live in town. I wanna do more fun nerd things. I'm excited for the Barbie movie. I got one of the fancy OPI Barbie nail polishes and I'm obsessed with it. I also got my first Sylvanian Families set!!!! I've wanted them for the longest time, but you know when I was a kid I didn't want them?? It's because the flocking gets dirty when you play with it and it's hard to clean. But now that I'm big that's not an issue!!

I feel very very good living here. My mental health is doing extremely well. I have a lot of drive to be productive and active and make things. I've barely had any panic attacks in the past week as well! Hopefully I find employment soon, I wanna buy lolita dresses and BL goodies hehehehe. For my birthday my parents took me out for dinner and it was so good. Oh and also I pulled Kuya in the latest Nu:C event. I'm sooooooo excited for the final 3rd of this event!!!! Give me Aster and Morvayyy!!! Woooo!!!
This week I wanna do more art fight and more website stuff. As well as stuff for I also wanna make like a cute stuff page or directory? Just listing fun cute things hehe. I dunno. I just feel really really good. I hope you're all well and the 2nd half of your year is off to a great start. Happy Matariki everyone!
Until next time!

psst here's a really good Nu:c Blade X Edmond fic