A Lovely Holiday 

Good morning! I'm on the train back from the most
wonderful little weekend holiday! I had a fun day in town with my friend
and then a fun two nights with my friends
Drew and Gemma and their most adorable little girl
Friday I spent aaall day in
Wellington city with
Cassie. We had a mean as breakfast at
Midnight Espresso 
(my favourite cafe in Wellington and apparently the oldest??). Cassie unloaded to me my Christmas gift and oh god.
Cassie is always so unhinged with gifts. She got me the
live action Devilman on DVD and fucking,,
Dick Fight Island Vol 2. 
bruh opening that in public oh my GOD. We were lucky we're in the fucking queerest part of Welly. I got home and insta ordered vol 1 HAHAHA.
Thankyou Cas I love you!!! We sat and chatted about anime and BLVNs for actual ages
Then we went
op shopping! Kind of. We went to all the
ones where everything was super fucking expensive. I forgot to take any photos all day!!! I was just having too much fun haha. The ones of a lot of note were this one run by this old man that was just
FULL of stuff. Like cool old stuff everywhere. I'll have to like find a photo of it online if i can. The other cool one was
Bizarre Bazaar 
which was a
super mega bougie goth/alt store. So much Juicy Couture I was salivating. There was also a
Baby The Stars Shine Bright babydoll JSK but it was $260!!!! What the fuck????
No thanks!!!! I might have folded for $160 but c'mon. I'd go back tho. This trip gave me so much inspo to be creative. I wanna make so much.

Anyway before I start getting sentimental after the shopping we went on the
Wellington Cable Car!!!! 
I haven't been on since I was very little. There were lights in the tunnel!!!! It was like going through a wormhole lololol. Cassie and I went to the
Cable Car Museum, and then the
Space Place (where we got some silly photos) and then we got
very overpriced icecream. $7 for a scoop of strawberries and cream????? Worth it tho I'm on holiday I can fuck around a bit. We went for a little bit of a walk around the observatory grounds and I got sunburnt. Big dumb dumb. I wore sunblock but I think it got rubbed off by my mask because it was only like,, along the lines where my mask traces lmaooo. It was so damn hot
After a little walkable we went to this Victorian Perfumery

It was so nice. The lovely gentleman perfumer told us all about how he makes all of the perfume on site. Distilling the oils, mixing, bottling and everything! It was so pretty and
the perfumes were all so lovely. I was very taken by a perfume called
"summer" which was a delightful citrus as well as one called
"Mrs" which was a very sugary sweet floral. I'll be going back there to get a perfume for my birthday for sure. (Side note I'm gonna be 23 this year what the fuck??)
They also host high teas!!!!!! So I'm gonna be forcing a lolita meet there omg.
Ok ok after the most wonderful trip on the Cablecars we tottered back into central welly and did a little bit of window shopping on
Cuba St before meeting up with
Drew and
Liam! Picked up some MTG stuff (I don't play i have to save my dosh for lolita, but basically all of my irl friends do lmao) and had dinner. Then we

boosted it on down to the train station to meet with
Gemma and catch a
train replacement bus to their place. Fucking Wellington public transport actually
dying. We got home late as and insta crashed.

And then... The next day....

I feel so honored and blessed to be given the title of
Aunty Ally 
. Genuine sobbing. She's so cute and she actually loves me???? She loves looking at me and playing with my hair and she was absolutely transfixed on my Pero Pero Sparkles x Teddy Fresh shirt. Girl has good taste. She didn't try on the dress as we were a bit busy but
s o o n. I'm sure I'll get sent a photo. Ohmigosh she had the biggest chubbiest cheeks and these big ol peepers!! We had a bit of a meet the baby BBQ and she was so excited to meet so many people. For which I made a classic strawberry cake with my last jar of fancy marmalade.
I have the most
criminal urge to spoil her rotten. I'm gonna make her a Cardcaptor Sakura costume. Oh my god. Little magical girl and lolita costumes. I'm gonna go sicko mode. Nobody try to stop me. Dripped out jfash bby. Aunty Ally is gonna be a terrible influence. She's also rather infatuated with MTG cards so... That's gonna be one expensive little girl

. Based baby.

I also got the blessing of
getting to feed her before I left!!!! Omg she was so cute she was playing with my hair and watching Bluey. I played with her and cuddled so much

. Actually sobbing. My dream for years has been to work in children's product design and packaging/marketing and I've put it to the back of my mind giving up on it for the longest time but hanging out with her brought all thoae aspirations back. Maybe I'll try again... Maybe... But for now
I can make things for her!
I can't wait to go visit them again. Next time it'll hopefully be a lot more chill due to there being no party haha. I feel so good. What a wonderful way to start the year. This year will be amazing I just know it. I'm exploding with happiness. Euphoric. I have such wonderful friends

. I need to stop thinking about it or I'm gonna cry on the train HAHA.

Due to
fuckery with the Welly public transport system I'm training to
Welly Super Fucking Early 
. I was originally meant to take the evening trian to Welly and then I had a bus booked at 7pm home (so I could have more friend and baby time mwahahaha) but due to motherfuckery I would have missed my bus if I took the late train

. So I

boosted ass

to the 7am train and changed my bus time to 3.30pm. So I'm stuck in Welly again all day! Oh well maybe I'll waste some more money. Not that I have much left omg. I got like $60 in cash and $200 in my acc oof. Oh well payday Wednesday. I'll just fucking do nothing this week oop.
No I lie I'm going to a vintage fair on Saturday.
I am excited to get home and cuddle my dogs. Hammy must have missed me. I also didn't shower all weekend so I'm
rlly looking forward to a wash. I bought a
bath bomb so I'll go nuts on that tomorrow morning probably. Also I had a lot of mail arrive while away so I'm keen as on that. When I'm home I'll likely format this and the previous blog, upload and then konk out. I'll give updates on today in Welly if anything interesting happens tomorrow or maybe for the upcoming week's blog who knows.
This blogging stuff is really fun, you know. It's nice getting to share my thoughts in a curated, longform but also still somewhat stream of consciousness format. I hope anyone who read this is enjoying reading it. If you are, I love you!
I still got a while to go on my train ride, so i might have a bit of a snooze before I get into town.

I was actually so late this morning so I'm gonna brush my teeth and do my skin in the train station bathroom urk. Grody ass. It's nice being well enough to have some independence back again.
I'll see you all very soon! I love you all!
Until next time!