I dream of parfait 

Hello once again! It feels like forever since I wrote last. I guess it has been like 2 weeks. I’ve been a little busy, but I’ve also had a few sick days since I last wrote

, so not quite as busy as I’d liked to be. I had wanteds to write sooner but well I just kept being sick haha.
First cool thing I’ve been up to is I spent a week making a
lolita dress!!! 
My first ever homemade JSK! And it was suuuper easy

. I
stole based the pattern from my
Angelic Pretty Wonder Toy JSK (traced around the 3 main pieces of the bodice, then measured the size of all of the other bits as they were all just rectangles) and it came together very quickly. The generic pattern used for most lolita JSKs is super simple. A simple shirred bodice and a rectangle skirt. No zipper, no fuss, no nothin hard. Ok it was a little tricky figuring out how to do the lining on the bodice but other than that easy as. I usually don’t bother lining my dresses but the fabric I used was a little see through.

I still need to make a
waist bow and
waist ties for it. I also would like to make a little
rosette for it as well, but those can come later. That’s why I haven’t photographed it for my sewing page yet. That and it’s been cloudy so bad for taking photos.The weather has been awful recently, it’s either boiling hot or boiling hot and humid with torrential rain

. I haven’t even been able to see the green comet!!! I had Evelyn over for a comet viewing party
WITH NO COMET VIEWING. But we did have an absolutely wonderful day in town op shopping. I found some super cool stuff. The coolest thing being this Mickey Mouse cake shaped tin from Tokyo Disney Resort. I wanna go there one day… I also got a cool Sanrio biscuit tin from the Asian supermarket. The cookies kinda suck but hey the tin’s cute.
I’ve been watching a lot of
thrift-wilth-me videos lately. I kinda wanna make one myself, or possibly film some thrift haul videos

. Maybe I’ll film one this week combining my thrift haul from last week and from this week. That’d be cool. I love thrifting. Not only is it fun and you find cool stuff but it’s also cheap, and I’m a broke ass bitch rn. This week I paid for my
royal ballet tickets, paid for my
Banana Fish tea cup and saucer preorder (finally) AND just for good measure, I impulsively bought the
Towa nendoroid from
Slow Damage 

Oh yeah, I finished
Slow Damage this week. Oh my god.
That game was amazing. WOW. I just.. No words. Nothing.

I have nothing to say about it. I wish Towa and Fujieda nothing but happiness. I love them so much. I am going to smother them with kisses. I need nendos of the other boys rn, Especially of Fujieda and Rei. Towa will look right at home on my shelf with all my cutesy anime girl figures and plushies. I wanna cross stitch something stupid to put on his easel. I rlly need to design a cross stitch charm of Towa so I can carry him on my phone. I have so many thoughts about Slow Damage that I literally can not talk about it at all.
Great game. True route hit me with so many feels I forgot it was even a porn game

Following Slow Damage, I’ve started
Sweet Pool. I’m just gonna plow thru the entire
Nitro+Chiral catalog. I’m… not sure how I feel about it so far. I’m not very far in but it’s… It’s weird.

And kinda
But I kind of like the body horror theme they’re going for? Idk I guess time will tell if it turns out good horror gross or keep your fetish away from me gross.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on my website this week and I wanna
redo some pages. I’ve been pattering about on a new about me page, but I keep getting sick so that’s been slowing my progress. I’ve also been
considering taking a course on javascript. Just seems like a good idea. I might be able to make a career outta websites maybe. Probably not haha. But idk might look good on a CV. I wanna make some stamps too! Maybe other cute graphics? Idk I’m just havin fun. I also wanna do some more sewing. I’m gonna make me a little romper. I think it’d be cute to wear my Devilman sweater I preordered with a little rainbow romper

. I could do some cute
embroidery on it too. I also need to learn how to work an overlocker so I can make some cute hoodies!! I want a fuzzy one with big bunny ears.
I’ve been feeling very cute recently. I wanna eat cute sweets and dress up. I think I wanna
try practicing makeup again.

I quite like east asian makeup styles, I watch a lot of Chinese makeup content on tiktok. Apparently the style I like it called
"douyin". The makeup is very soft and subtle and glittery which I like. I find a lot of western makeup is just too harsh for me. I can’t do heavy eyeliner, it looks too hardcore. I never considered using a dark brown eyeshadow for a small winged liner, I wanna try it! I also like the soft dewy look. I don’t wear foundation or anything, but I like to have a good skincare routine. I think my natural skin looks quite nice. I was given some lively makeup brushes as part of my lolita secret santa, so I need to use them!
I think that’s everything? If I think of something else to talk about I spose I can always just make another blog.
Until next time!